
Karin: ‘Becoming a parent is such a privilege and joy. It is also exhausting, overwhelming and unpredictable. The amount of times when I thought I had nailed it, had it under control, knew exactly what to do only for it all to fall apart – that’s often how it felt at the time – I cannot tell you. Our children bring out the best in us and they also know exactly which buttons to press… Oftentimes our journey into parenthood trigger memories or situations from the past, and at times we may find that we need additional support from reading to therapy and everything in between.

I personally found going from one child to two incredibly challenging despite the 5 years between my children. I felt pulled in so many directions and the guilt was even bigger than after having my first.

I love reading and I have found various books that have really helped me know that I am not alone in my worries, that my child is behaving appropriately for their age and so many books have also given me many tips.

Below is a list of books that have made a difference to me in one way or other. There are of course way too many more books out there to mention. I continue reading as my children grow older.’


Post Birth

Toddlers and Up

Tweens, Teenagers & General Parenting

Parenting Courses & More

Local parenting expert Rachel Vecht of Educating Matters runs regular parenting courses.

One of our mums, Vera Lakhwani, is the founder of East2WestMama.

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