
During school term times, we run weekly coffee morning talks together with KinderGifts at b_together on St John’s Wood High Street or at The Cherish Club on Bridgeman Street (just off St John’s Wood High Street). We cover a large range of topics. We usually have an expert speaker come in to do a talk for us and we ask our attendees to make a donation to the charity the speaker has chosen. Over the years, thanks to everyone who has attended our talks, we have raised quite a lot of money for a big range of charities from well-known ones like BBC Children In Need to small and very local ones.

All talks take place in person during school term times on Thursdays at 10-11 am unless otherwise specified. ** HYBRID TALK = Joint in-person and Zoom. Please scroll down for our schedule.

Anya of KinderGifts and Karin and Zehra of NW8-mums love seeing familiar and new faces at our coffee mornings. All our talks are relaxed and informal, you can bring your child and for those who are breastfeeding, you can comfortably do that.

More information and invitations to individual talks will be announced via newsletters and Instagram closer to the talk itself.

As always, please be in touch if there is a topic you are keen on and we will try to find a speaker.

Below is our schedule for autumn 2024Invitations for individual coffee morning talks are sent out about a week before each talk.

As before, we continue raising money for charities chosen by each week’s speaker through the KinderGifts platformOur talks are informal and relaxedchildren are welcome unless specified and you can comfortably breastfeed.


Please note we have TWO venues as of autumn 2024: b_together and The Cherish Club.


*16th – 6-7.30 pmMenopause Circle led by Karin at The Hearth. To get tickets, please click HERE.

*19th – COFFEE MORNING: Introduction to hypnotherapy with Arantxa De Dios – on ZOOM only

*26th – COFFEE MORNING: Mr Donal BrennanHead of Ivy House SchoolWhat to Consider When Looking for a Primary School – In person ONLY at b_together


*3rd – COFFEE MORNING: Mr Giles TollitHead of Arnold House School, and Mr Richard TillettPrincipal of Queen’s College LondonAll You Need to Know About the Senior School Transition and the 11+/13+ Exams – In person ONLY at b_together

*10th – COFFEE MORNINGPositive Parenting with Josie – Parenting Talk with JosieFounder ofPositive Parenting with Josie – In person at The Cherish Club

*14th – 6-7.30 pmMenopause Circle led by Karin at The Hearth. To get tickets, please click HERE.

*17th – COFFEE MORNING: The Hospital of St John & St Elizabeth – topic and doctor to be announcednearer the time – In person at The Cherish ClubHYBRID talk

*23rd – Wellness Event (morning) at Tribes exclusively for NW8-mumsMore details to come, but you can expect a refreshing yoga class followed by a healthy breakfast and a chance to connect with others




*7th – COFFEE MORNING: Dr Serra Tekin Eriksson, chartered psychologist, teacher & researcher will explore how parents and carers influence children’s eating behaviours from a psychological perspective, sharing evidence-based practices to encourage a varied diet. On ZOOM only.

*14th – COFFEE MORNING: Simone Wilsonfounder of nanny agency Homebodies, will cover aspects related to maternity nursesnanniescontractstaxes and more. There will also be plenty of time for Q&A – In person at The Cherish Club

*21st – COFFEE MORNING: Twoth Dental on All About Children’s Dental NeedsIn person at The Cherish Club

*28th – COFFEE MORNING: Sapna Chamaria, 7+/8+ tutor: All You Need to Know About the 7+/8+ ExamsIn person ONLY at b_together


*5th – Open Coffee Morning

Break for Christmas and New Year’s

Keep your eyes peeled on your inbox and on the NW8-mums’ Instagram feed – @nw8mums for information about talks and other things.

To follow Karin’s personal Instagram account – @theofficialKarinofnw8mums.

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