Maternity Services

Please note that NW8-mums provides information and cannot held responsible for unsatisfactory experiences or undesirable outcomes.

Maternity Services & Hospitals – private obstetricians right at the bottom of the page

You find out you are pregnant and wonder what to do next. Karin remembers not really having a clue. So, she went to her GP and told him she was pregnant. He asked her if she wanted to have her baby on the NHS or private, and if choosing to go with the NHS, which hospital she wanted to be referred to. He then told her briefly about the hospitals close to NW8.

NHS Options Close By

Karin opted for UCLH (University College Hospital) and their maternity unit at The Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Wing (EGA) close to Euston Station as several friends of hers had had their children there and had been very happy.

Close to St John’s Wood, there is also St Mary’s Hospital (where Karin was hospitalised several times during her first pregnancy suffering from Hyperemesis Gravidarum) and part of Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust. There is also The Royal Free Hospital in Hampstead. There are of course others, but those three are the closest distance-wise.

Karin and her son in 2014

Private Options Close By

If you want to go private, there is Portland Hospital in Marylebone, St Mary’s has a private wing called The Lindo Wing and UCLH also has a private wing, The Fitzrovia Suite, and at the time of updating this page in winter of 2024, The Fitzrovia Suite at UCLH still only admits women opting for C-sections.

There are of course other private options, but the above are near St John’s Wood.

Private Ultrasounds

The nationally and internationally highly renowned Dr Fred Ushakov, under whose care Karin was when at UCLH, opened his private clinic, London Pregnancy Clinic, in spring of 2020 and she am delighted that many more pregnant women can see him now that he has his private clinic.

Karin went through something quite traumatic with one of her pregnancies and she is grateful to this day for Dr Fred’s sensitivity and care which ultimately played a big part in making her feel brave enough to try again. That last try resulted in her son.

one of dr fred ushakov’s machines

The Portland Hospital, The London Women’s Clinic as well as The Fetal Medicine Centre in Harley Street also offer a range of ultrasounds and various tests.

Private Obstetricians

Below are names of obstetricians that are popular in the group. Please note that they also work at NHS hospitals.

To see all current consultants at the private maternity units at The Fitzrovia Suite, The Lindo Wing and The Portland Hospital please click on the respective links below.


Laura Sierra

Serene Birth With Mathilde

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